Heritage Appraisal Company knows the special needs of estate executorsThe job of settling an estate, often a source of stress, is not to be taken lightly. As an executor, you have been given the power to carry out the wishes of the deceased as promptly and respectfully as possible. You can count on us to respond expeditiously and with as much respect to the feelings of everyone in bereavement.Attorneys and accountants count on our understanding when calculating real property values for estates, divorces, or other disputes requiring a value being determined for real property. We realize their needs and are acclimated to helping with all parties involved. Due to our familiarity in dealing with attorneys and accountants and different agencies, we provide appraisals that always outdo all expectations.
Settling an estate generally depends on an appraisal to acquire market value for the property therein. It's understandable that ordering getting an appraisal is the farthest thought from your mind. So, there's a chance the date an appraisal is ordered will be different from the date of death. Heritage Appraisal Company assures that our staff is knowledgeable about the procedures and requirements needed by the federal and Tennessee revenue agencies to produce a retrospective appraisal with an effective date and market value estimate matching the exact date your loved one passed away. The ethics provision explained within the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) binds our appraisers to confidentiality, ensuring the highest degree of discretion for you and your family. Most people don't realize that the IRS needs information filed to explain the numbers involved in estate sales. Opinions of value displayed in documents filed with revenue authorities absolutely should be backed by a comprehensive report as to how the appraiser acquired his conclusions. A report of this caliber will definitely substantiate your claim that the values presented are well-founded and accurate. Heritage Appraisal Company guarantees a well-founded appraisal, which will give an executor definite facts and numbers that will exceed IRS and revenue agency requirements. There's no need to have anything but peace of mind when getting a report from Heritage Appraisal Company, because we will stand by it no matter what. |